What wine would pair best with this painting?

Abstract Art was an acquired taste for me and now -


Okay, maybe I’m obsessed with all art, but I went from not understanding abstract art to creating it, reading about it, and standing in front of pieces that pull me in amazed.

So, how did I get this “acquired” taste? How did I fall in love with abstract art?


I stopped thinking I had to make sense of and label everything I see.

I stopped seeing with my mind only and opened a path to my feelings.

I stopped resisting wonder and awe.

If you’re interested in giving Abstract Art a chance, here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you come across abstract art —

  • There are no wrong answers. Abstract art is meant to be a personal relationship between art and viewer. The viewer is the key piece in each abstract painting. I love having zero pressure to answer something correctly.

  • You are invited to go beyond what you understand - to be curious. Consider asking yourself questions like -
    “How does this painting make me feel?”
    “Where is this painting inviting me to go?”
    “What wine would go best with this painting?”
    I think a glass of Chardonnay pairs best with a light and airy painting while a Bordeaux may go best with a deep and rooted piece. I like to save the Prosecco for an energetic, joyful piece. See?! Have fun with the answers. The secret to understanding abstract art is through wonder and an open mind.

  • Yes, it is fun (and okay) to point out what we see. It can be like cloud drawings. “I see a humming bird.” “Ha! There’s a boob!” We all do it - even the artist. It doesn’t mean it’s the only way to see the painting, but it can connect us deeper to a piece and maybe describe a painting as an abstracted landscape or figure.

  • Go with your gut. If you’re shopping for art and stumble on an abstract painting that catches your attention and pulls you in. Your wonder and open heart will give you signs. Does it take you to a place that soothes you? Does it give you a lot to think about and study? Does it give you permission not to think at all but to simply enjoy the colors and energy? Your gut will show you the way.

So… How open to abstract art are you willing to be?


How I Begin